You know you're a Facebook addict when you dream up a status in your sleep. Here's what my slumbering fingers typed last night:
I've finally figured it out: my house plants are dying of suicide.
I told Dave about it when I woke up and he dared me to make it a real status. I'm not that desperate for my dreams to come true.
What does this have to do with today's radio broadcast, you ask? A great deal. Because while Dave and I were on the subject of funny Facebook statuses, we dreamed up this one wide awake, and I contemplated posting it:
Here ye! Hear me! I'll be speaking at Braggsburg Community Church tomorrow on the "The Perils of Self Promotion." Don't miss me!
Dave and I like to make fun of self-promoters, and we always wonder if they know how bad they make themselves look:
My book has reached the Dollar Tree! Praise me! Praise me!
But in all fairness, some of us genuinely believe that our creative efforts in the form of books and such may reach one person and change his life forever. For that reason, we are willing to risk being labeled a self promoter.
The truth is, we want to promote Jesus. And to do that, it sometimes means promoting our stuff--the things we write and say about Him.
Now then. At the end of this post, there is a tiny link to a radio interview on the subject of unemployment. It may encourage someone.
Go ahead and click on it. And while you do, I'm off to water some dejected house plants.
I didn't see your interview as a self promotion at all. I know it was an attempt to share your struggles to help others. I know it helped me. We are not facing unemployment now (we have in the past 3 times), but it still opened my eyes to some things I can work on to make my marriage better.
Glad it was an encouragement, Kim. I know the interview wasn't self-promoting; I'm referring to the act of posting multiple links to the archive. ;)
So, hi!
I left a comment (a lengthy one) at your other blog, THEN I explored around reading this blog, and eventually finding this interview. I'm a feeling majorly abashed about posting on the other blog (and thus I'm hiding this confession here, hoping that few, if any, people run across it.) I'm sorry that I cluttered up your comment section with my giddy recitation of my own insignificant experiment. You were very welcoming and gracious, however, so thank you for that!
I thoroughly enjoyed this interview. You are so insightful, so able to hear clearly what God is teaching you! I aspire to be like that someday, but time and hope are waning for that to ever be a reality. God can do miracles, though....
Thanks for sharing your insights and being an excellent example of how to follow Jesus in every circumstance we find ourselves in.
I didn't see your comment that way at all, Michelle! Besides, I think anyone that knows what it's like to be a single mom on a tight budget has the right to say anything she wants! :)
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