This morning I attended a Music and Arts Festival. Over Mexican food, I struck up a conversation with a red-headed drummer. We were having fun getting to know each other until the conversation turned to this:
(him) “So can I ask your advice on how to ask that guy out over there?”
(me) “That guy? You’re gay?”
(Smiling casually) “Yeah.”
“Aw…. I’m afraid I can’t help you there.”
As he read between the lines, a look of disgust came over his face and he walked away. I was left alone with my burrito, feeling sorely disappointed and rejected. Rejected. The man didn’t want to be my friend bEcaUsE of mY beLieFs—just one.
Buddy, I never got your name, but if you’re out there reading this, I’m giving you another chance at friendship. You saw my moves; you know I have rhythm. I was going to ask you for pointers on playing the drums. I was enjoying you—you’re witty, talented and smart. We could have fun together.
And now a moment of truth: It was a dream. This is what happens when I stay up too late at night eating chocolate donut holes. I dream like this during those final sleeping-in moments. But I dare say this dream was perhaps a bit divinely inspired. I felt the emotion that goes with losing a potentially great friend. The rejection and misunderstanding hurt.
I believe I experienced but a tiny fraction of what God feels in the longing to know each person He created.
Commenters: This is not a post about homosexuality. I’m not an internet debater. If you want to know why I believe God didn’t design us to be gay, come on over and sit a spell with me in my cozy log cabin and we’ll have an intellectually stimulating conversation on the matter. I'd really love to hear your point of view as well. But promise me one thing: no matter where it ends up, you’ll still be my friend.
Because I need you. Not with an agenda to save or to change you (I’m occupied full time with the changes I want to see in myself). I enjoy people that think and believe differently, because they challenge and broaden me. They give me the opportunity to be the Christian that loves without condition and listens with understanding.
he's cute. :)
well said! My heart LONGS for this too.....
Because of having been married to a man who ended our marriage to live a homosexual lifestyle, I get this. I have gotten to know many of his friends over the past 20+ years. They are beautiful people with beautiful hearts. They don't agree with my position on their lifestyles, let God be their judge. We agree to disagree on that one thing. And I have to trust God. I just got a call from my ex's first partner the other day, he lives far away now. He was my ex's partner for 11 yrs and wants to see my children and they want to see him. It was a great encouragement to me that I could be kind and enjoy chatting with him after about a 10 yr gap. He expressed appreciation for how I welcomed him and inspired him. God knows. I pray His love and truth will permeate our difference. I don't know how to do it but HE does. Love your heart Faith! Sarah
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